Style and Fashion Tips

Choosing outfit colors
Colors are important in our lives. Without them, our lives would be dull, drab, and monotonous. Choosing which colors to wear is an important exercise, and the following are some pointers that should
help you make a well-informed and hopefully better choice. More...
Every woman Needs a flattering sundress
Sundresses, if chosen wisely, have a unique ability to make you look suave and summer-ready. They represent the casual side of elegance. A figure-flattering sundress not only brings
the limelight to your best features but also hides the not-so-desirable aspects of your silhouette. More...
Fashion and Hair
Often, the one aspect of creating the perfect look most women fail to consider is how to coordinate their hairstyle with the clothing they are wearing. It’s important to consider all aspects of our
appearance when dressing for different situations. More...
Following the polka dot trend
Polka dots are back with a vengeance, not that they ever went anywhere. They make these big comebacks almost every season. Almost two decades on, the trend refuses to go away. So in that sense, it’s not a
trend; it’s a style statement that never gets old. More...
How to develop your own signature style
Your style needs to be a mixture of current fashion and what looks good on you. It's a good idea to update yourself from time to time so that you can develop your own signature style. Here are a few
tips that might help you realize your own signature style. More...
How to dress taller
Unfortunately, there are no magic spells to instantly make you taller. However, that’s where fashion comes to the rescue. Being short isn’t all that bad, especially if you can use fashion to
your advantage and come out looking like a diva. More...
How to dress to look older
You want to look older? Well, the first thing you should know is that your wardrobe is not going to make you appear as an official adult with those school sweatshirts and jeans. You need to change your wardrobe
to look older. Here are a few tips on how to dress so that you look older. More...
How to dress to look slim
The thing we often complain about is looking too fat. We all have our special clothes that produce that magic slimming effect. But apart from the things we learn by trial and error,
there are some other tried and tested tricks to keep in mind when you want to look slim. More...
How to enhance a flat butt
Having a fuller butt is as important as having a well-endowed bust. After all, the beauty and perfection of dresses depend on these characteristics of our body. But what to do when you are not so
well endowed at your rear end? More...
How to look cute in a cardigan
We often think that cardigans look boring. However, if chosen and worn carefully, cardigans can be turned into cute and stylish garments, and to top it all off, they are very functional for the season.
Here are some tips to look cute in a cardigan. More...
How to look sassy in satin
To look really fashionable in satin and to exude the appeal that you want, you should know how to make the best use of the inherent style that satin embodies. In that sense, satin is a double-edged sword,
for if you are not careful, it can spoil your entire look. More...
How to look fashionable as a plus-size woman
If you really think being plus size is an excuse for not being up there in the fashion ranks, you’ve got it all wrong. Gone are the days when being skinny was the only way to be trendy. More and more
manufacturers are making clothes for the plus-size body. More...
How to look younger
Everyone wants to look young, and it really isn’t as hard as some of us imagine. It can easily be done by taking good care of your skin and simply revamping your wardrobe. Here are a few simple tips
to look young by dressing young. More...