Fashion and Hair

Often, the one facet of creating the perfect look that most women fail to consider is how to coordinate their hairstyle with the clothing they are wearing. Most of the time, this isn't as big an issue, since a good hairdresser will talk to their client about their personal style, usual mode of dress, and so forth when consulting on creating the individual look. However, we all find ourselves in different situations. It is important to consider all aspects of our appearance when dressing for these different situations.
Let's look at some of the basic rules of dressing for the various situations of our lives. We can establish what is appropriate and what will work best for us in these situations. The end result is that, hopefully, we will be able to maximize the impact of our looks in these situations and feel confident and beautiful while doing so.
Situations may seem like an odd term, but the events for which we may dress and style ourselves are quite varied, and are usually defined by parameters which we cannot control directly. These situations generally fall into one of three categories: Professional, Casual, and Formal. Each category has its own set of rules to follow.
Professional situations are obviously those that are work-related. These could range from corporate meetings to job interviews, as well as appearing in court or attending conferences related to one's career. In these situations, the rules for hairstyling are generally simple.
• Choose hairstyles appropriate to your working environment.
Having an overly involved or time-consuming hairstyle would be inappropriate if you work as a waitress or day care assistant who runs after children all day. By the same token, simply pulling the hair back into a ponytail may not present the level of attention to detail that you want to convey if you work in a legal office or as an executive's administrative assistant.
• Simplicity is generally a better choice.
Choosing a hairstyle for a professional situation typically calls for a simpler style. You want a style that is neat and attractive, and one that doesn't require a lot of maintenance throughout the day. Nor should it appear to be a look that took excessive amounts of time to create.

Conversely, you don’t want to look like you made no effort. For the best effect, try to aim for styles that are based on classic, versatile cuts. Such looks are simple to maintain and can generally be easily cared for and maintained throughout the day.
• When It Comes to Accessories: When in Doubt, Go Neutral
As you try to decide on your hairstyle for a professional setting, you may want to use different hair accessories to ensure your style stays in place longer. A well-placed comb, clip, or fashionable hairpin can go a long way in stabilizing a hairstyle and ensuring it stays in place throughout your hectic day. But is that rhinestone-crusted comb appropriate for your board meeting or the parent-teacher conferences?
When dressing your hair for a professional setting, make sure you have neutral accessories to serve the purpose you need them for. A tortoiseshell clip or comb will look elegant and professional compared to the flash of its metallic or jeweled counterpart.
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