Kids Hairstyles

Hairstyles for Little Boys
Photos of hairstyles for little boys, preschoolers, and toddlers. The boys' haircuts come with instructions on how to cut and style the hair to create the looks. Featuring modern haircuts and
more classic looks such as the short back and sides cut, boy's bowl cut, and a boy's fauxhawk. More...
Hairstyles for Little Girls
Photos of hairstyles for little girls, preschoolers, and toddlers. The girls' hairdos come with instructions on how to cut and style the hair to replicate the looks. Featuring the latest trends and classic
haircuts such as a bob, a layered haircut, a pixie cut for little girls, and a circle cut for kids. More...
Common Sense Tips For Kids’ Hair
Some common problems and their solutions when choosing haircuts and hairstyles for your kids. Selecting haircuts and hairstyles for children often requires specific considerations. For many parents, dealing with
their child's hair can be a huge challenge. More...
Hairstyle Advice for Teenagers
Teenagers and their desire for fashionable hair are often overlooked in hairdressing literature. Due to teenagers' youthful faces, there are fundamental differences between hairstyles that suit adults and those
that suit teenagers. Here is some advice for teenagers. More...
Hair, Teenagers and Peer Pressure
One thing that consistently stands out when you walk past a group of youths is how similar they all look, with identical hairdos. Hairstyles among teenagers
are often strong indicators of intense peer pressure. Unwillingness to conform may result in a loss of popularity. More...
Books with Kids Hairstyles
Books featuring hairstyles for children and teenagers, showcasing photos of long, medium, and short haircuts for boys, as well as hairstyles and updos for girls. These books also offer
hair care and styling tips for children's hair, ponytails, pulled-back hairstyles, and more. More...
Hairstyles to Try
Virtual hair makeovers aren't just for women; every member of your family can enjoy the hair app, including your kids. Trying out hairstyles on a photo of yourself is the perfect way to
preview a new style before you or your child gets a haircut. More...
Kids and Hair Decisions
There are some things that a parent should really think about with regard to the hairstyles they choose for their children. They are responsible for hair decisions while the child is a minor,
but it is important to his or her self-esteem to be allowed to have input into his or her hairstyle. More...
Teenagers and Hairstyles
Some teenagers see rebelling with their hair as a way of expressing independence and liberty. Should moms and dads accept that their daughter's and son's hair is their own and should they let them
decide how to wear it? Or should they intervene? More...
Teenagers and Hair Problems
Teenager's hair is often adversely affected by puberty and for some of them their hair plays havoc and causes endless amounts of anxiety during these delicate years.
Tips for teenagers to overcome some of the hair problems they often face during these delicate years. More...
Teens with Different Hair
Teenagers strive to be seen as cool and trendy, and any physical attribute considered different can make the journey to adulthood a struggle, especially due to the bullying that the more unusual
teenager often endures. More...
Your Child and the Hairdresser
Some parents find themselves dealing with a lot of drama during their child's haircut, and the stylist must demonstrate expertise while exercising patience. The reality is that most young children struggle
to sit still for the duration of a haircut, which can often last about half an hour. More...
Babies Hair
Babies' hair is fascinating. When a baby enters the world, one of the first things ecstatic, proud, and often slightly overwhelmed parents do is check their bundle of joy's hair. What color is the baby's hair?
How much hair does it have? More...
Girls Will Be Girls
"For those girls who do not want to cut their locks, there are a lot of cute styles for long hair. Let's start with the cut. This can vary widely: straight, layered, with bangs, without bangs, ranging from
really long to medium length, and so on. More...
Amber shares her thoughts and ideas for styling the hair of girls, offering tips for both easy-to-style and unmanageable hair.