Teenagers and Hair Problems

Being a teenager can be a difficult and daunting time. As girls and boys slowly depart from their simple and stress-free childhood years, they are suddenly faced with the complicated issue of puberty, which for many, can impede and hinder their journey into adult life.
Teenagers' hair can often be adversely affected by puberty, and for some teenagers, their hair can cause them endless amounts of anxiety during these delicate years, when peer pressure and the strain to look like their friends is paramount. Fortunately, help is at hand, and below are some tips for teenagers to help them overcome some of the hair issues they are often faced with.
Why Does My Hair Drip with Grease When My Best Friend’s doesn’t?
It may seem cruelly unfair when you are 15 years old, that your hair limply hangs over your face, weighed down with grease, when most of your friends' hair bounces with life and vitality. Teenagers are particularly prone to having oily hair due to rapid changes in hormones.
Although while all teenagers experience changes in hormones with the onset of puberty, not all of them are plagued by oily hair. This is because each individual body deals with hormone imbalances differently and some teenagers may experience no or very few undesirable repercussions of puberty, while others may be besieged by many of the regrettably 'obvious' signs of puberty.
Genetics can also contribute to whether or not we develop greasy hair in our teenage years. Often girls, whose mothers experienced bouts of greasiness, particularly while menstruating, complain of the same condition.
The texture of our hair can also affect the amount of oil our hair produces. Boys and girls with a thicker head of hair are less likely to be plagued with oily hair as teenagers with fine hair. This is because fine hair contains less substance to absorb the natural oils.

• Use a pH-balanced Shampoo
Teenagers who have oily hair probably wash it very frequently in order to restrain the amount of grease in their hair. While it is recommended that oily hair is washed daily, it is of vital importance that you use a professional shampoo that is alkaline-based, pH-balanced, and specifically designed for oily hair.
An organic shampoo is also advantageous in the fight against grease, as they consist of natural ingredients that will help reduce the production of oil in the hair.
• Rinse your Hair Well
It may sound obvious, but if you have oily hair make sure that you rinse the shampoo out thoroughly with warm or lukewarm water. Shampoo that is left on the scalp causes the scalp to dry out, which may sound like a preferable option to grease, but will actually make the situation worse.
One common misconception about oily hair is that it is produced by an oily scalp. In reality, greasy hair is caused by a dry scalp which requires the oil glands to produce more oil. In order to combat the scalp from drying out, be sure to refrain from massaging the shampoo into the scalp and try to concentrate on the hair itself. Also using a shampoo that contains tea tree oil will help to alleviate a dry scalp, the primary cause of oily hair.
• Use a Hot Oil Treatment on the Scalp
It may sound like the last thing needed to control oily hair, but massaging a hot oil treatment into just the scalp can help to moisturize the scalp and provide some of those missing essential natural oils, thus reducing the reliance on the oil glands.
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