Choosing Outfit Colors

That’s why we must make the best use of this gift and the best way to reflect colors in our life is through the clothes that we wear. So choosing what colors you want to wear is an important exercise and following are some pointers that should help you making a well informed and hopefully a better choice.
• The choice of colors for your outfit will depend a great deal on your own physical features like the color of your hair, skin and eyes etc.
• Firstly, you need to see if you have a ‘warm’ complexion or a ‘cool’ complexion. A simple way to do that is to wear heavy golden and silver jewelry one by one and see which seems to emphasize you natural tones. If its gold then you have a warm skin complexion otherwise its cool.
• In general, warm tones match better with colors like orange, brown, flame red, green, yellow etc. The cool tones on the other hand lean towards colors like blue, purple, pink, lavender, burgundy, etc.
Colors and your personality
• While your appearance is an important factor to decide what color you want, it however reflects and enhances only your outer self.
• Colors however have a much deeper effect, they say a lot about who you are as a person. So choose colors carefully according to what side of your personality you want to project. E.g. red and yellow reflect energy, black and grey could point to a serious personality, pink could mean compassion and open heartedness etc.
Colors and the occasion
• The occasion for which you are dressing up is perhaps the most important factor in choosing the right color.
• E.g. your skin tone and your personality tell you that you should wear red color, so far so good, however if it’s a funeral that you are planning to attend than red would be a bit errrr … out of place.
• Most often your instincts will bail you out in these situations, you would think twice before going out in black on a picnic!
Colors and the season
• Season also affect our choice of colors to a great extent. It's normal to see ‘somber’ and serious colors like black and grey during winters which are considered depressing by many people. Whereas spring and summers tend to bring out the ‘happier’ or the more ‘fun’ side in our choice of colors like orange, green etc.
• Too much of a good thing is never a good thing, so is the case with colors. Avoid getting overenthusiastic with them.
• Too many colors in the same outfit with even more colorful accessories confuse and irritate the eye. It’s a good idea if and only if you are working as clown in circus and are on the job, otherwise chuck the idea.
• Speaking of accessories, they are or can be a very good tool to balance your overall look. E.g. if you are in a long flowing black evening dress, try breaking the monotony with a splash of bright red lipstick and a small purse of the same shade as your lipstick. That would add a splash of color to your outfit.
• Finally, don’t shy away from experimenting, that’s the best way you are going to perfect your sense of picking the best colors. While it may mean a few goof ups on the way, but then goof ups are your best chance to learn.
Colors are a very powerful source of different types of energies, so much so that color therapy seeks to treat patients of serious diseases just by using colors. The good news is that this source of abundant energy is entirely in your hands to use. So make the best out of it and color your life happy.