Ode to Short Hair (2)

Have you ever paid attention to a scruffy dog living in an alley of a big city? Its fur looks dry, unkempt, and naturally unhealthy, a result of neglect. Similarly, when we neglect to get haircuts or trims, people perceive our hair in a similar way. This process occurs naturally, akin to pruning a bush in your yard; it grows back healthier and fuller.
Yes, I'm comparing our hair to a bush. When a bush isn't pruned, small unfruitful branches become dry and brittle, eventually breaking off. The same happens with our hair. It becomes dry, brittle, and eventually splits. When that occurs, we're in trouble because the only sure way to deal with split ends is to cut above them, halting the splitting process from reaching your scalp.
Elisha Cuthbert had gorgeous long, blonde, wavy hair that fell all the way down to the middle of her back. There was a center part and long layers designed into her hair for a bit of variety. What made her chop all that loveliness off? Did she grow tired of looking the same old way? Did she become weary of the amount of time it took to style her hair?

Sometimes, when there is a lot of thick, long hair involved, the client may develop headaches when worn up, due to the tension from the hair pulling on the clasp. As the hair continues to grow longer, it becomes h eavier, and whether worn up or down, headaches increase. Therefore, there comes a time, for the sake of health, when the scissors begin to look inviting.
Long-haired women do not want to look like their shorter-haired sisters, and short-haired ladies do not want to look like their longer-haired sisters. Around and around it goes, and never the twain shall meet. Everyone wants to be an individual, and most hairstylists can relate to that and respect you for it. Hairstylists are artists, and sometimes they can be a bit eccentric in their ways and tastes.
An experienced stylist has your best interests at heart and can foresee exactly what would look good on you and what would not. They consider your looks, personality, and lifestyle when giving you that life-changing short haircut.
I'm going to ask you a question, but in order to answer it, you must be honest with yourself. Who in your circle of family and friends are your best critics? Who always tells you the truth about what you're wearing and how your hair looks, whether you want to hear it or not? I'm guessing it's probably your children, your partner, or your best friend, and we really do appreciate it, don't we?
I mean, sometimes we might grit our teeth a little bit while we mumble that "thank you," but we do sincerely appreciate the criticism. Well, perhaps it is time to follow through with some of their advice. We do not see ourselves the way other people see us. Just because you're thinking about a new short haircut doesn't mean you have to cut it all off suddenly. Go slowly and get used to the shorter length over time; that way, it won't be so shocking or upsetting to you during the transition period of wearing your new look.

Yet, look at her! She doesn't seem to be longing for her long locks but rather appears full of confidence and thoroughly enjoying herself. I can guarantee you she would look good in any hat she decides to wear on the beach. No more brushing her hair into an updo, twist, or ponytail. Gone are the days of curling irons, smoothing lotions, and blow dryers! They are only gathering dust. Hot rollers are just a memory for her, and she looks happy!
She's in the shower and out, running off to her appointments. It doesn't get much easier than that. When she washes her face, she just keeps going upward. I bet she is gaining up to two hours in her schedule every day. For those of you who don't have enough hours in the day to do all the things you want to get done, this might just be the answer for you.
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