Ode to Short Hair

Freshly cut ponytail and scissors
Does this scenario sound familiar to you when you go to the salon?
"Are you asking me to cut my hair again?!"
"Not really, I'm just asking you to start thinking about it."
"But my husband loves my long hair."
"Yes, the majority of men do seem to gravitate toward long hair, but did you know they are also attracted to women who require less maintenance? There are gentlemen out there who find simplicity in a woman very attractive."
One reason your stylist might be hinting that it may be time for you to consider a new short style is your age, weight, or both. Your stylist cares about how you look when you leave the salon, and if your current hairstyle does not flatter you in the best way, then it is also not flattering the stylist either. It may be time to start looking for a new style.
One of the ways you can know this is by the lack of compliments. You begin to notice they are not as forthcoming as they used to be. You even decided to go out and get the latest long layered cut with semi-coiled curls and wispy-ended strands that so many were wearing, and the only comment you received was, "Did you do something different to your hair?" Have you become aware of spending too much time getting your hair ready before you go out, when you could be doing something else?
A new short hairstyle should be like buying a new car. Sometimes, you need all the bells and whistles that come along with the purchase. If you knew that a perfect, customized short hairstyle fashioned just for you and your lifestyle would give you the illusion of taking off anywhere from five to ten pounds, would you finally go for it? If you knew for a fact that just by getting this short haircut, you would look about ten years younger, would you consider the makeover?
Victoria Beckham with short hair
Victoria Beckham - Photo: s_bukley/Shutterstock
Of course you would! Think about it - ten pounds lighter without dieting or exercise and ten years younger without the impossible task of wishing to go back to the past. Who wouldn’t go for that?
Celebrity Victoria Beckham wasn’t afraid to go the whole gamut. She had long, layered, streaked brown hair that grew way past her shoulders. Did she wake up one morning and have a revelation about what a short haircut could do for her? Whatever made her decide to throw in the towel and want a completely different look is exactly what she did.
Her new blonde color and short-cropped hairstyle brought a streamlined look as she strutted her stuff in that backless dress. Her hair was clipper cut in the back, revealing her slender neckline. One side was tucked behind her ear, and when you looked at her face, you could see her striking brown eyes.
We can be just as feminine with short hair as we can with long hair and can look even better. Can you dare to believe this?
Sarah Harding with short hair
Sarah Harding - Photo: Entertainment Press/Shutterstock
Sarah Harding went from long hair to a short style that is beveled up in the back, with the sides over the ears and long bangs swept to one side, featuring a voluminous puff on top and no new growth showing from her platinum hair! Applause for Sarah! This type of style is easy to do with minimal upkeep.
The most important thing for anyone to remember when they get a new haircut is to go back in six weeks to get another haircut. So simple, yet so important. If you don't maintain your haircut, it will start to look disheveled and unkempt, and you won't be able to style it the same way.
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By Penny | Updated | ©Hairfinder.com