Hair and Personality

We sit on the couch, while her hair swirls around her body, literally making a blanket of breathtakingly beautiful hair, then, as we've become awestruck, under her spell, she lifts her hair up, as it casually falls, in slow motion once more, in complete angelic seduction.
The circumference of your wrist is the thickness of her ponytail. When you cut her hair once, you throw your scissors away, because that one single experience is comparable to a thousand regular cuts. Men adore her. Women hate her and hairdressers, take a sip and brace themselves when she walks through the door.
The woman with hair issues:
Then we have the woman who covets the above lady's hair, because she feels she only has three strands of hair on her head. Totally, a slight exaggeration, of course. She knows every hair product in the salon, in the drugstores, and online, because her cupboard is filled with all of the products that promise to make hair fuller, and she uses all of them.
She has tried every style imaginable to give the illusion of having voluminous hair, but always goes back to the old faithful, that she can work with and the one she gets the most compliments with. She has fine, thin hair and has continued to receive her series of perms and tints that help give her the texture she can work with.
She wakes up with a flat head every morning and if she is a bit older, and she has slept on her side, not only is her hair flattened to the side of her head, but her face is stuck in the position it was in all night. This is a sure sign that she had a good sound sleep.
She goes through the process of applying the creams, and her makeup for the day, but it usually takes the whole day for her face to get back to where it's supposed to be. By the time she gets home from work, her hair has fallen out and it's almost time to go to bed and start the process all over again.

Another woman who is underappreciated and whom everyone could do without is the one who doesn't have to do anything to her hair, because she is constantly reminding you of her naturally curly hair. You will be admiring her hair while you have lunch together and say something nice to her about how good it looks and she comes back with, "Oh, does it look okay? I completely forgot to comb it when I left the house."
You've come to the decision to commit the perfect crime, because this must be justification for murdering your friend right then and there. How can someone's hair look like that, how can she look so perfect without any preparation being involved? When you mention how she got a haircut, she comes back with, "Do you like it? I did it myself!" Who needs a friend like that? Who needs a friend like that? Besides, I've noticed, sitting next to someone like that makes most of us look bad without even trying.
The woman who is a natural platinum blonde:
Who doesn't wonder about the woman who is a natural platinum blonde? What planet did this breed come from, anyway? We know she is there, because we've seen her skiing on the slopes and wearing the latest fashions. She plays tennis and for goodness sake, still wears a bikini! Hairdressers stand amazed as they gaze over her head together, while lifting up her strands to hopefully find a place where it had been touched up. Not so.
This woman was born in a field of flowers. She doesn't think anything of her color, so when you go to lunch with your friends, she has a natural beauty and for some reason seems to gravitate and get along with the friend who has curly hair. The hairstyle that took you hours to achieve; these two women do nothing to bring it about. Not only that, why do they still look so young? What's going on there? They become good friends.
The best is yet to come, I have a friend who keeps the ends of her hair platinum and the root area dark brown. After all, why not let others think; "why darling, my hair is in need of a touch up, and growing out into its natural color of brown?" No one really knows the true color of the new growth, which happens to be white! Therefore, when her hair does grow out, in need of a real touch-up, she has three colors coming in, platinum, brown, and then white. Hello, rainbow!
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