Fashionable Hair for Fashionable Men

It is a common misconception that if men spend too much time, money, and care on their hair and the upkeep that goes along with it, they may not necessarily be "real men" and are more effeminate. That is just a bunch of ridiculousness and babble created by lazy men who don't want to put in the time and effort into their hair or don't think that women are keen enough to even notice if a guy has amazing locks.
Trust me when I say that we do notice these things. Do you think we weren't totally mesmerized by Brad Pitt's luscious highlighted long strands in "Legends of the Fall" and that we weren't walking away wishing every guy could look that good with long hair? Yeah, we were, and we wanted that, believe it or not. And we definitely wouldn't be upset if our partners spent a little more time and money on their appearance. We find it sexy when men care about how they look.
If I am in a man’s bathroom and I see that they have high-end hair products, I am mildly impressed because it shows that their hair matters to them just like mine matters to me. I'm not knocking those who can't afford top-notch products because I'm a fan of all brands. But seeing one or two fancier products is appealing and attractive, just saying.
It's okay to dye your hair!
Going gray is awesome for both men and women, but it is perfectly okay to have regular standing appointments with a colorist to try new colors or to keep up your natural one if you don't want to be a silver fox. Not everyone is ready to take the plunge, and that is totally okay. That does not mean that you are stuck in your youth, but rather that you want to maintain a fresh style.

If you have darker skin or more of a tan, honey/golden/and chestnut hair colors are the way to go and even some highlights and lowlights can be beneficial. You might want to consider hair strobing or contouring that only accentuates your features and works with your skin tone. And the more depth that you hair has, the sexier it can be.
If you have fair skin, you want to avoid anything that is golden or honey and just opt for a basic medium brown. Your stylist will help you pick one that can make you stand out. Try to pick one based on your eye color. Women pick eyeliners based on their eye colors, so that is maybe what you should consider doing when you are aiming to pick your most flattering hair color.
Don't try to look like someone you're not. Be a polished version of yourself and your partner will love it. If you're single, you'll have a newfound confidence and you need to embrace it. I know you can do it, tough guy. And, in case you were wondering how many men get their hair colored: the number goes up five to ten percent every year! That’s a lot and it is just progressing by the day.

Going bald or having thinning hair? A common mistake that men often make and women don't like is the ever popular comb-over. Come on now, guys; do you eally think that penny pinching hair is going to make it look like you have luxurious locks? No. You look tacky; you look like Charlie Brown. So what can you do? Start going super short and keep it shaped as well as possible. Use products if needed and eventually start getting comfortable with rocking the buzz cut look.
Yes, bald can be sexy, like Jason Statham, Vin Diesel, Bruce Willis... The list goes on and there is no need to deny that you are going bald. We are not blind. We can see that you are losing your hair. It is better just to admit it, accept it, and adapt to it, whether that means changing the way you dress or getting a new fragrance for yourself. You must become comfortable with who you are and what life is throwing at you. JUST SAY NO to the comb-over and SAY YES to a nice-shorn style.
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