Fashionable Hair for Fashionable Men (2)

You will still need to shampoo and condition, though. We know that conditioning is the better option as it helps with the overall moisturizing of your follicles. You won't feel all that different when you shower. Why do you still need product, you may ask? Because tiny hairs sprout up in between buzzings and you want to make sure that everything is healthy and that you smell good and maintain appearances. Just because your hair is super short or gone does not mean that your routine should also be gone. Remember that.
Beware of chlorine!
Going swimming? Chlorine can be really harmful to your hair, so don't act like it's no big deal when it really is. What can you do to protect your locks, especially if you've colored them or are growing them out? A swim cap is the ideal option. But there are more stylish options if you need them and the best one is to wet your hair and add a dollop of conditioner to it as a protective layer.
Use a good shampoo!
Aside from chlorine, beauty products like gels, serums, sprays, and such can cause a lot of buildup in your hair, and that is where a great clarifying shampoo comes in to play. Yes, it is completely okay to buy shampoos and conditioners that serve a variety of purposes. That is why they were created.
Some of the best shampoos on the market are Redken Specialty Purifying Shampoo; Neutrogena Anti-Residue Shampoo; and Frederic Fekkai Apple Cider Shampoo. This is actually really cool because some suggest vinegar as an add-on to clarifying shampoo. Apple cider is a type of vinegar, so you get it all in one, which I love. Not to be mistaken for a 2-in-1, which should never be purchased because those are just a waste, I'm sorry to say.

So, there you have it, guys. It is completely okay to care deeply about your hair and the appearance of it. You can buy a variety of hair products. You can color your hair and have it done by a professional, matched to your skin tone and eye color. You can care about what happens before you enter a chlorinated pool. You can want to be beautiful without being feminine.
It is attractive for a man to care about his hair appearance and it is more masculine than you can imagine. We love seeing a man with sexy hair who doesn't just over-product it but actually puts the time and effort into creating the right style and look for himself. It is grooming at its finest, and we truly appreciate it.
If a woman does not appreciate your efforts, that is her loss and not worth it because you should feel handsome and fabulous. Do not feel like you are being judged by this at all and I mean this sincerely. Embrace who you are and the things that you love about yourself and keep on with the positive self-care. Good luck and happy styling!