How to Grow Long Hair as a Man

Let's turn the tables on men as they are now jumping on a bandwagon that found popularity in the 1960s during the hippie days and truly has not quit. If you decide that you are one of the men who desires to have long hair and you want to look more like one of those male celebrities with long hair, it is time for you to start having a hair routine and it is not that dissimilar from that of your female counterparts. In fact, it is much like trying to walk in heels for twenty-four hours straight.
Hair grows about six inches per year, give or take depending on how healthy you are and what the environment that you live in is like. Colder climates tend to make hair growth go slower while warmer climates seemingly speed it up, so keep that in mind. I have also heard that hormones have something to do with hair growth, but everyone is different.

Also start to prepare yourself for some awkwardness as your hair starts the process of growing out. It may grow in different directions, ones you didn't even know it was capable of, which could make you want to stop the growing-out process altogether.
But there is a reason that you have decided to take this leap. Maybe you have watched Brad Pitt in "Legends of the Fall" one too many times and always wished you could look like him or you have heard girls talk about ow hot Chris Hemsworth's long locks were in "Thor" and now you want to hear them say the same things about you.
Or you want to try the man bun, circa Jared Leto, who also rocked the ombré hair color along with the fabulous bun, just saying. These are valid celebrities to emulate and there is no time like the present, but again, your daily routine will dramatically change, especially if you have a more upscale job where you will have to style your hair; more refined and less rugged.
You will need to start investing in hair tools. Fortunately, the starter ones are not too expensive. It is suggested that you get a wide-tooth comb and a natural brush in order not to damage your hair but to release the tangles. Even as the hair begins to grow out, you are going to want to keep it as healthy and manageable as possible, silky and smooth so you can run your fingers through it.
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