Eye on Celebrity Hair, Fashion & Beauty

Lauren Holly: Less is More
Explore Lauren Holly's hairstyle transformation from flowing long hair to a stunning short pixie cut, and discover how a really short style can sometimes make you look younger, neater, and thinner. Lauren's
modern short haircut is a low-maintenance hairstyle suitable for any event. More...
My Face Type
What is my face shape? How do I discover it, and what can I do about it? My face used to be shaped like a diamond, but now it looks square. What caused this change? What type of nose do I have? Many celebrities
face similar issues, but experts know how to minimize them. More...
Celebrity Trends Toward Shorter Hair
Are celebrities setting a trend for shorter hair? Is the era of long hair coming to an end? With celebrities leading the way, will we start to see more short hairstyles? Who will be the next to surprise us with
a new shorter haircut? More...
Classic Short Celebrity Hair Styles
There have always been stars who march to the beat of their own drum when it comes to hair fashion. Often, they have been trendsetters, starting fads and trends that soon spread throughout the country. Among
these off-beat beauties, a common trait can often be seen: short hair. More...
How To Imitate Celebrity Looks
Learn how to recreate the looks and styles of celebrities with thorough descriptions of Hollywood looks and illustrated hair cutting and styling techniques. Copy the styles of celebrities such as
Antonio Banderas, Ashlee Simpson, Jessica Alba, Miley Cyrus, and many others! More...
Celebrity Inspired Low Maintenance Hairstyles
There are two key elements that make a hairstyle low maintenance. A hairstyle can be considered as such if it requires minimal effort or skill to make it look presentable, and if it doesn’t take a great
deal of time to style. More ...
Just-above-the-shoulder Celebrity Hairstyles
Just-above-the-shoulder hairstyles are hot right now, both in celebrity trends and among women all around the world. Part of the mass appeal is that this trendy hairstyle has a feminine flair without the
difficulty that can come with longer hairstyles. More ...
Natural-looking Celebrity Hairstyles
A lot can be said for a woman who celebrates her natural beauty. While there are certainly moments when over-the-top glamour can be appreciated, it’s also nice to go natural. Hairfinder introduces celebrity
hairstyles that take a more casual and natural approach. More ...
Shoulder-length Celebrity Hair with Curls
Shoulder-length hairstyles are essentially the best of both worlds, aren't they? Not too long and not too short. One of the greatest assets of having a shoulder-length hairstyle is the movement and volume
that can be created within it. More ...
Comparing Colors
Hair color falls into four basic categories: Blonde, Brunette, Redhead, and Grays. Every possible color of hair fits into one of these categories. Some colors may fall into two categories simultaneously. Let's
take a look at which category certain celebrities' hair falls into. More...
Long Celebrity Bobs or Lobs
Long bob hairstyles, or more affectionately called lob hairstyles, are all the rage right now. Some of the top benefits of rocking the ever-so-trendy lob hairstyle are that it can still be pulled back for the gym,
and it’s the right length to create different hairstyles. More ...
Gwyneth Paltrow's Shorter Hair
Gwyneth Paltrow said goodbye to her long locks and surprised everyone with a new and much shorter hairstyle. Her shoulder-length haircut is incredibly versatile and can be styled in many different ways. Let's
take a look at the many possibilities of the shorter haircut. More...
Kate Middleton's Hair
Kate Middleton wears her fashions with casual grace and elegance, making her looks simply a part of her. She appears natural in virtually every setting. Let's take a look at some of the more fascinating aspects
of her style and her standing as a modern beauty icon. More...
Katie Holmes' Bob Hairstyle
You've seen Katie Holmes with her long chestnut locks, wearing her hair smoothed and flowing down below her shoulders, and you've seen her wearing her hair up in the back with wisps hanging along her sides.
But here, let's focus on Katie's beautiful bob! More...
The Evolution of a Hairstyle
Since most of our hairstyling trends and fashions gain popularity because they are worn by celebrities, examining a couple of celebrities and the evolution of their hairstyles is a great way to illustrate how
gradual or subtle changes can make a tremendous difference. More...