Celebrity Trends Toward Shorter Hair

Lucy Liu's hair makeover from long to short - Before
Lucy Liu - Photo: Featureflash Photo Agency/Shutterstock
Are celebrities setting a trend for shorter hair? Is the era of long hair coming to an end? With celebrities leading the way, will we see a rise in shorter hairstyles? Who will be the next to surprise us with a new shorter haircut?
Since time immemorial, everyone has wanted to emulate movie stars. I remember vividly as a young girl, lying on my aunt's bed surrounded by every movie magazine imaginable, discussing who looked like whom. Oh, the glamour as we fluttered our eyelashes at each other. I even dyed my hair a flaming red like Susan Hayward's and tried to walk like her. As the song goes, "those were the days my friend, I thought they'd never end."
Though the faces and hairstyles have changed, young girls still look in their mirrors and ponder if they resemble their favorite stars as they leaf through the latest movie magazines. Celebrities have always been trendsetters because of this very phenomenon.
When the legendary Greta Garbo wore waves all over her head, suddenly every hair salon in the city had housewives requesting finger waves. Casting our minds further back (though not that far for me), when Veronica Lake famously draped her hair over one eye (rumor had it she only had one eye), schoolgirls everywhere adopted the style, covering one eye with a wave. If a celebrity wore a hat in old movies, everyone else started donning hats. Watch those classics and you'll understand what I mean.
In the sixties, the iconic Twiggy captivated hearts, prompting many to cut their hair short and even starve themselves to achieve her slender look. Today, if a celebrity trades long locks for a chic short style, salons are inundated with clients clamoring to replicate that star's look. There was a time when showing your roots was frowned upon; now, everyone proudly displays their natural hair growth, following the lead of celebrities in the world of fashion.
Lucy Liu's hair makeover from long to short - After
Lucy Liu - Photo: Everett Collection/Shutterstock
Consider Lucy Liu. First, we see her with strikingly long, jet-black hair parted down the center and angled on both sides. Then, there's another picture with her hair parted to the side, bangs neatly grazing her forehead and tucked behind her ears, cut above the shoulders and flipped outwards.
Examine these two styles carefully. One hairstyle cascades down, gravitating towards the earth, while the other springs upwards towards the heavens. The longer style appears more solemn, while the shorter exudes a playful, carefree vibe. Notice the eyes: in the longer style, Lucy's eyes seem less bright and alive; in the shorter cut, they sparkle with vivacity. Can a simple haircut truly make such a difference in one's appearance? My answer is unequivocally yes.
Next, observe Patricia Arquette. Initially with long, lustrous blonde hair adorned with various shades for contrast, she exudes elegance. But look at her eyes and the overall mood. Now, compare it with her shorter bob cut bluntly at the jawline, with bangs just above her eyebrows.
Patricia Arquette's long to short hair makeover - Before
Patricia Arquette - Photo by Photorazzi
Patricia Arquette's long to short hair makeover - After
Patricia Arquette - Photo: s_bukley/Shutterstock
Notice her face. There's a smile, a light in her eyes, and her hair seems to glow, perfectly complementing her features. Can a haircut really make you radiate like this? Absolutely. Because suddenly, you'll feel better about yourself, regardless of age or weight. With the right haircut, you can feel carefree and uplifted.
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