Get Rid of Knotted Hair(3)

Untangling knotted hair
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Another problem area for tangled hair is the bedroom. Even a little tossing and turning during the night can cause headaches in the morning for some people. When your hair is buffeted against the threads of your pillow, it does as much damage to the cuticle as driving with the top down.
A sleeping cap is always one way to avoid this problem, but if you prefer to look good while you sleep, try using a silk or satin pillowcase. They are infinitely more comfortable and will not mistreat your hair the way other fabrics will.
Finally, the beach can be very hard on the hair. The salty sea air and wind can turn your hair into a rat's nest. A good solution to prevent tangles and damage from salt air and sun is to apply your favorite rinse-through conditioner to your hair and leave it in.
Not only will it keep your hair tangle- and damage-free, but the heat of the sun will help the conditioner penetrate the hair, resulting in hair that has had an all-day heated conditioning treatment. Make sure that if you go in and out of the ocean, you rinse your hair with fresh water (not seawater) and reapply conditioner.
Unknotting Tangled Hair:
Sometimes, despite our best efforts, tangles can happen, and I want you to know how to deal with them when they do. In situations where it doesn't matter, such as at home at the end of a long day, use a detangling spray and a wide-toothed comb and gently work out the tangles. Comb the hair from the ends and work your way up.
Wide-toothed comb to remove tangles
Photo: Progressman via Canva
Trying to work in the opposite direction tends to just create knots, even with the best detangling solutions. If you encounter a snag, apply more detangling spray and massage it gently, then try to work it out by combing from the center of the snag downwards. This usually helps to loosen the knotted strands and remove the tangle.
However, if you are in a situation where detangling spray is unavailable or would be inappropriate to apply, use a natural-bristle brush and work your way from the ends of the hair upwards to brush out the tangles. In this case, if you hit a snag, lay the snagged hair over the back of one hand and gently brush it with the brush, aiming for the bottom of the snag and brushing downward, moving the brush centimeter by centimeter upward along the hair strands. A little patience and perseverance can prevent unnecessary damage to your hair.
Great hair takes work, and even though these days are hectic and time is at a premium, you will never regret taking the extra few moments the first time someone says, "Your hair looks fantastic!"
See also:
How to minimize post-shampoo detangling
Tangle Teezer hairbrush
More about hair care