Get Rid of Tangled Hair (2)

Hair towel wrapped in a turban fashion
Photo: Depositphotos
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If you can let your hair air dry, do so. Otherwise, if you must use a blow-dryer, use the lowest heat setting, regardless of the fan speed you choose. The heat will only cause the cuticle of damp hair to swell, which allows the dryer to force the moisture out of the hair.
In addition, always direct the flow of air in the direction your hair grows, thus away from your head. This prevents the cuticle from being roughed up by the warm airflow and has the benefit of keeping the hair shiny and smooth.
As you begin drying, start by using your fingers to comb through the hair, then switch to a wide-toothed comb, and then a vented brush as the hair gets progressively drier. As the hair gets drier, you should also lower the airflow speed on the dryer (or better yet, use the diffuser attachment) to prevent the ends of the hair from being buffeted against each other.
The key in all of these drying tips is to encourage gentleness with your hair. Without realizing it, many women are overly harsh on their hair when there is no need to be.
Unless you need to use other heat methods to style your hair, you should stop blow-drying it while it is still slightly damp. At the very least, leave the areas of the hair that do not need further styling steps to remain a little damp and let them finish drying naturally.
Styling Products:
Nearly all of us use some type of styling product on our hair to get the look we want. The important thing to remember is to use products that won't cause more problems than they solve. Check the ingredient lists of your styling gels, mousses, and sprays to ensure they do not contain alcohol. Alcohol is used in the production of these products to help them dry faster, but it will have the same effect on your hair. This will only worsen the tangling problem.
Instead of using a styling product after your hair is mostly dry, try applying it before you begin towel-drying the hair. Ensure that it is still alcohol-free, but apply it while your hair is wet and work it through the strands. You can then gently towel-dry your hair and turban it as described above. You will find that you get more even coverage, and a smoother and shinier finished style.
Woman with loose long hair in a cabrio
Photo: Kzenon via Canva
While on the subject of styling products and preventing tangles, I have to mention anti-frizz serums. For those of you with curly hair or who frequently have problems with tangling, these products are wonderful. They must be applied to wet hair for best results and to get the most even coverage; they should be worked through the hair from the scalp to the ends.
Anti-frizz serums are designed to coat the hair shaft, smooth the cuticle, and seal it. They are great for preventing the roughing of the cuticle that occurs during blow-drying, and will help your hair look its very best.
Detangling Your Environment:
We all know about the situations that can cause tangles, but sometimes solutions don't come readily to mind. For instance, when my hair was long, my biggest problem was getting tangles and knots while driving in my car with the sunroof or windows open.
My solution to this was simple: I kept a snag-proof elastic band in my car (on the gear shift) and before I started the car, I would pull my hair back into a ponytail at the nape of my neck and tuck the tail down the back of my shirt or jacket. When I arrived at my destination, I removed the ponytail elastic, ran a brush through my hair, and I was ready to go.
For some of you, this solution will also work; however, if your long hair is curled as part of styling it, pulling it into a ponytail would defeat the purpose. For these problems, I recommend making a quick visit to the beauty supply store and picking up a few hair nets. The hair nets will hold the style in place while you're in transit, and in the worst-case scenario, when you arrive you simply remove the net and fluff the style back up with your fingers.
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