Touch Up Gray Roots (2)

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Colormark Temporary Liquid Hair Color
Even at the more expensive price of about $20, Colormark Temporary Liquid Hair Color is a popular product to touch up gray roots. This sponge-tipped stick has been cited as being a "magic wand" in disguising gray roots.
The dye is applied to the roots with the sponge wand and combed through with the provided comb. It dries within minutes and washes out easily, leaving a vibrant head of hair and, most importantly, no gray. It is available in many different shades, so finding a shade to suit you and effectively cover gray hair should not be too difficult.
How to Touch Up Gray Roots with a Conventional Dye
Many people, discontent with "miracle" touch-up products, rely on conventional dyes to mask any emerging gray hair. One useful tip is to color your hair a lighter color. When gray roots start to grow back, they blend in more with lighter hair, as opposed to darker dye, which makes the gray regrowth look more noticeable.
Shades of blonde are particularly popular colors to cover up gray hair. If only some of your hair is gray, choosing a color that is similar to your natural color will provide far more discreet regrowth.
Once you have purchased a color, read the instructions provided with the color as the procedure may vary slightly between hair color manufacturers. Although there is a general procedure to follow. Always put on the plastic gloves provided with the dye to protect your hands from the chemicals. Also wearing old clothes may prove favorable as some dye may splash on clothes during application.
Follow the directions provided, mix the color preferably in a disposable plastic container. Once it is a smooth consistency, free from any lumps, it is ready to be applied to the hair. Touching up gray roots should always be done on clean, dry hair, free from any styling products.

Depending on how long your gray roots are, apply the color generously, ensuring all the roots and a bit more beside are covered. Typically one inch of color is needed to cover roots. Keep flipping the hair over and apply the dye evenly until the whole head is covered.
The standard time required for the dye to work its magic and cover gray roots is 25 minutes, although this may vary depending on the type of dye and how quickly your hair absorbs the color. Once you are happy the color has "taken," comb the color through from the roots to the ends and leave for an additional five minutes. Rinse the hair with warm water, preferably in a shower until all the dye is removed from the hair. Dye kits usually come with a conditioner. Apply the conditioner, rinse, and then dry and style as usual.
It is not just societal pressures that make us frantically seek a solution to mask the betraying signs that youth is no longer on our side, but it is also for a personal desire to retain our beauty and not to be reminded that the years are passing us by each time we look in the mirror. Fortunately, help is at hand, and it is not that difficult to disguise gray hair, one of the first, most common, and easily noticeable signs of aging.
See also:
Hair color touch ups
Why and how hair turns gray
The right hair color to make you look younger
Is it safe to color the roots of your hair every 2 to 3 weeks, to cover the gray?