Hair Color Touch Ups

Won't I end up with all different hair color shades after a year's growth since the thickness of the hair color layer will be different depending on the number of touch ups a certain part of the hair has been going through?
A: Well, if hair color worked like paint, this would certainly be a concern. If that were the case, the hair at the ends would also become thicker and heavier the more it grew, unless you cut it regularly as well.
It is typically the practice to apply the color to the new growth on the hair and allow it to process for a small amount of time, then apply the color to rest of the hair in order to freshen the color up again. (Sometimes hair color can fade in between retouch services.) This is probably what your stylist is doing when she applies the color in your retouch service.
However, you need not to worry about the hair color "building up" on the hair. The only problem that could potentially arise, if improperly applied would be that the hair along the ends was darker than at the scalp. However, if this was going to be an issue, the problem will be apparent immediately after the color is applied.
See also:
How to color hair
Products to touch up gray roots
Highlights and regrowth touch ups
Retouch of bleaching and hair breakage