Highlights and Regrowth

If I use a brown color, it covers up all the highlights and I have to do them over. What can I use that will just address the gray? My stylist used to do this and then highlight about every 3 color touch-up appts. How do I do this at home? Please help. I know there is a way to do this without losing all of the highlights. My hair is half-way down my back and baby fine. Please let me know how to do this. Thanks.
What you need to do is find the base color you originally used and instead of applying it with a bottle for all-over color, you need to use a bowl and brush so that you can apply the color only to the new-growth areas (where the hair is gray).
This will take care of the gray new-growth, but for the highlights, you will need to either use a foiling technique, or use the cap again and carefully pull the hairs that you previously highlighted through the cap again.
All of these processes - the color retouch and either the foiling or the cap method of highlighting - will be very difficult to do on your own since your ability to effectively see the back portions of your head is limited. You need to have someone who can assist you in working on these areas so that you get even coverage and better results.
See also:
How to color your hair
How to highlight hair with foils
Highlighting hair with a highlighting cap