Hairstyles for Men

Men's Hair Care for Dummies
Some men have never been taught how to establish a regular hair care routine, or perhaps they just haven't cared to learn. Fortunately, the most useful tips are quite easy to follow, making it
accessible for any man to maintain this routine in the long run. More...
Men and Their Beard
Men love their beards, and it's often believed that women love men with beards. However, a study published in the Oxford Journal of Psychology confirms what we already suspected: Women actually prefer a
clean and baby-smooth shaven face. So why do men continue to grow them? More...
Offset Faux Hawk
A male hairstyle that provides balance and prevents the face from appearing too wide. Perfect for men who prefer short hair. Includes before-and-after photos with cutting and styling instructions to
help you recreate the look. More...
Dressing Up Men's Hair
When it comes to dressing up, the rules for men are generally much more clear-cut than those for women. It’s understandable, since many men's hairstyles are short. One area where many men seem
to struggle when dressing up is with their hair. More...
Silver Foxes: How to Own Your Gray Like a Male Star
It almost seems like men going gray is something that makes them appear more dignified and sophisticated, whereas women often shy away from the idea. So, don't fear all you males out there who
are starting to get streaks of white and gray throughout your young follicles. More...
The Best Beard for Your Face Shape
Hairstyles look best when they are adjusted to a man’s face shape, and the same applies to beards. There are five basic face shapes, and certain beards look better on some than others. Growing
beards is trendy again and is a classy way to change one's appearance. More...
Transforming Hair Tips for Men
Men have bad hair days too. The difference between men and women is that men usually do not complain about the haircut like women do. The genesis of a man having a good style begins when the
stylist first examines how his hair grows and then assesses its texture. More...
The Shaved Head Look and How to Shave Your Head
The shaved head is quickly becoming an iconic look in men's style. Some men choose the shaved look to cultivate a specific image, while others find it convenient. When deciding to shave one's head,
there are some things to keep in mind. More...
Long Hair for Men
In our history, there was a time when long hair was associated with anti-patriotism and laziness. However, during that period, individuals with long hair were often making a statement.
What is considered the norm for hair length in men today? And can men have very long hairstyles? More...
Men's Grooming - Shaving
The most common method for removing male facial hair is shaving, which can be done using either a manual or an electric razor. Achieving a good, close shave with a manual razor requires
knowing the proper technique. More...
Mustaches are always in style. Common terms for mustaches include 'stache,' 'tache,' 'tash,' 'push broom,' and 'mo.' There's something undeniably impressive about a man sporting a mustache. It
adds a sense of mystery and authority to his appearance. More...
How to Get 360 Waves
African American men discovered that consistently brushing short haircuts resulted in attractive wave patterns around the hair, which came to be known as Brush Waves. Today, this hairstyle is
commonly referred to as 360 Waves. Various techniques were developed to achieve them. More...