Modern Hair Myths (2)

Older Myths:
These are some of the "old wives’ tales" concerning the hair that should be dispelled. Some have a grain of validity to their warnings, but not for the reasons given, usually:
Old Myth: "Don’t go out in cold weather with a wet head. You’ll get sick."
Modern medicine tells us that people get sick because they are exposed to bacteria and viruses that cause diseases and conditions. But probably anyone over the age of 40 has been warned by a grandparent against going out with a wet head in cold weather. Of course, the fact that the spread of colds and the flu are common occurrences in the winter months was used as evidence that the warnings were true.
Old Myth: "Men shouldn’t wear a hat all the time. Men who do will go bald."
This isn't true. Illness, medications, stress, and genetics can all play a role in when and whether a man will lose his hair. Wearing a hat has no influence on the matter. Logic tells us that this is true, or else there would be parts of the country where nearly all the men would be bald.

If you have any other modern (or older) hair myths that you'd like to know the truth of, please feel free to ask us. You can get to our question submission page by clicking here.
See also:
Myths about hair and hair care
Myths and facts about African hair
Why do we have to dry our hair before we go to sleep?
Does pulling gray hairs out cause more to grow back?