What am I going to do with my hair? (2)

Hair: "But, I don't want to go that way anymore."
You: "Why won't you go that way?"
Hair: "I'm sick and tired of that way. It bores me."
You: "But, I know I look good that way, I've worn you that way for years."
Hair: "That is just the trouble. You only think you look good because you always play it safe and so-o boring, yawn..."
Hair: "I mean that I have sat through so many cocktail parties with you, envying all the other updated hairstyles of your friends."
You: "You're sad?
Hair: "Hey, not just sad kiddo, I'm depressed and that's why I rebelled."
You: "Oh no, what can I do?"
Hair: "I want excitement in my life. New cuts and colors to start. Who knows, maybe even a few hairpieces to walk with me through this life.
You: "And, if I choose not to change?
Hair: "Just remember, dear, I'm the one who makes you look good every time you walk out the door. It's up to you."
So it could go. There are three things that prevent us from trying out something new: fear, compromise, and contentment. Fear isn't good in any shape or form, especially when you keep wondering, "What if?" If you get a new haircut and don't like the hairstyle you got, you will likely like it after about three weeks of growth.

Compromising is accepting what you have been given, either out of comfort, necessity, contentment, or fear. Comfort is fine; although it could mean you have a streak of laziness in you. Let's be honest, girls. Necessity is understandable if you don't have the time or money to work with your hair. Believe me when I say this, there is always a way to get around anything in life if you think about the problem long enough.
Contentment is better than all the tea in China, but it also might mean you would do well to listen to your friends and see what they are saying about your hair, unless they are just jealous about your apple cheeks, and everyone has friends like that. We don't see ourselves the way they do.
If you're still trembling in fear about getting a new haircut, take a deep breath, clear your mind, and make an appointment at the hairdresser! You will be so happy you did it!