What am I going to do with my hair?

You look in the mirror and a flood of despair washes over your emotions because there is only 15 minutes left, and you should be on your way to work. You've set your hair in the usual mundane settings with the hot rollers, but this time it just isn't coming out the way it should. So, you've combed and brushed your hair, expecting a miracle to happen, but your hair is lying all wrong this morning. Is one eyebrow thicker than the other? What's the deal with that, and do I see a pimple on my chin?
Now, the dog has to go outside, and the baby is crying; which is the exact temptation one would like to give in to for the moment. However, throwing yourself on the bed and having a tantrum won't make you brush your hair, get rid of the pimple, reduce your waist, or lengthen your skirt. Indeed, if it did, it would be under the category of the wonders of modern science and have its own webpage.
Things just don't happen that way. If they did, all women would be doing it regularly and even devising their schedule to accommodate the time for the weight loss tantrum. One small reward is knowing that at least you don't have to take the size 7 tags out of your small dresses and re-sew them onto your now size 14 like some of your friends are doing.
Hairstyles for Apple Cheek Girls
Perhaps the moment should be seized for what it is and recognized that it is time to shop around for a new hairstyle. Not to mention giving up a few treats that made your dress shrink in the first place. Let's see, if your aunts and uncles have always said you have a sweet, pudgy face, it is probably because they kept pinching your cheeks when you were a youngster, saying 'you are so-o cute!' Ouch, that hurt! We can blame them for the apple cheeks we have today. What type of hairstyle can someone like us 'apple-cheeked sexy girls' have? In the first place, stop fighting your apple cheeks. Stop fighting your straight or curly hair and make the most of it.

Cute" can be sexy. "Beautiful" can be difficult for them, and being "gorgeous" can be intimidating. Aren't you glad we don't really have those problems? Men like us for our cute apple cheeks and highly tuned brains, not to mention the humor in our character. In short, all apple cheekers are fun to be around, girls!
What if you have naturally curly hair and those apple dumplings? Have your hair cut into a semi-bob. This means halfway up your neckline, and the very bottom is layered. Watch those curls bounce and jump up, simply flattering everything about your face, including the apples! Can just a haircut do all of this? You bet your apples it can! Be proud of your apple cheeks and your hair. Hey, some girls just don't have any cheeks.
If you can balance a coin on the top of your cheeks, you know you have the apples. Show them off! Style a large c-curl along your sides to lay and point to the tip of the apples. Tint the tip of your hair on the sides a coppery red to give center stage to your cheeks. There are so many ways to accentuate your positives.
Ah yes, this is the year you've finally made up your mind to do something different to your hair, and it all started on that bright sunny morning when your hair refused to cooperate with its usual style. If your hair could have said something to you that morning, it might have gone like this:
Hair: "I wish you would just stop that! What are you trying to do to me?"
You: Whining, 'I want you to go the same way you usually go."
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