Styling Hair Q&A (3)

I have very long hair but would like an afro style for Halloween. Is that possible?
I'm desperately trying to find step by step instructions on how to plait hair. I don't want braids.
Is a curling iron used for the up-style you described in your article?
Is a thermal hair brush worth the investment?
Is a waving iron used on wet hair less or more damaging to hair than blow drying?
Is it better to curl your hair when it is freshly washed or will unwashed hair curl better?
Is hair easier to style washed or unwashed?
Is it possible to get choppy layers with long very straight hair?
Is it really true that we all have a "good side" and a "bad side" of hair?
Is there anything I can do to stop my hair from sticking up?
Is there any way to get rid of a collick in your hair?
Is there a product I could put in my hair that will give it enormous body?
Is there a product for my fine hair to get the textured look?
Is there a special technique to diffuse hair, so it curls?
Is there a specific way to part hair for rollers and make Velcro rollers staying put?
Is there a way to get spiky hair down?
Is there a way to wrap long hair to keep it straight overnight?
I want the messy, shaken look. How should I style my hair?
I want to have the stylish side-swept bangs, but it's impossible. What can I do?
I would like to know how I get the latest bohemian hairstyle.
My hair is often standing on end. What can I do about it?
My hair is puffy and goes in a diamond shape when it's dry. What should I do?
My part goes down the back of my head and will not go away! What do I do?
My wavy hair is falling flat too fast. What can I do about this?
No matter what I do, I can not blowdry my hair straight. Am I missing something?
Should a girl part her hair on the side or in the middle?
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