Headband and Bun

A: Actually, both headbands and bun hairstyles are perfectly safe for the hair as long as you keep a simple tenet in mind: "tight" is bad. The mistake many women make is in thinking that to get a securely held hairstyle, they need to make sure the confining mechanism is tight.
These points can develop what is known as traction alopecia as the hair can be pulled from the follicles by the weight of the bun. The trick to avoiding this is to A) adjust the placement of the bun to an area where the weight is evenly distributed, B) make sure not to twist the bun too tightly to avoid creating tension unnecessarily, and C) use as many hairpins as needed to hold the hair securely and evenly distribute the tension of holding the hair in place.
With headbands, the problems are simpler: many women who wear headbands incorrectly presume that in order to hold the hair properly the bands have to be tight. The thing to remember is that if your headband starts to hurt after wearing it for a period of time, you most probably have it too tight. All that the headband needs to do is confine the hair and keep it back from the face. This seldom requires much in the way of tension and strength.
See also:
Ponytails and hairline recession
How to make a bun
How make a bun with a hair doughnut
How to make a braided bun