Mid-Length Men's Haircut

Step by step guide on how to cut a mid-length basic layer men's haircut, from Stacey Broughton, myhairdressers.com
This men's haircut - a Jim Morrison inspired rock 'n' roll style - is a classic masculine mid-length basic layer, softly framing the contours of the face. It can be worn textured or straight...

Before: Matthew before the cut.

Step 1: In order to accommodate the natural characteristics of the hair, begin by refining the outlines. The outline sections are dependent on the hair quality.

Step 2: Next, work on the outline in the side area. Create a horizontal section from the temple, following the round of the head. Then create a vertical section from behind the ear and work parallel horizontal sections up to this line. Cut an angled line with tension in your fingers towards the point of the nose. Note that as the hair is textured, this length, when dry, will sit on the bridge of the nose.

Step 3: Repeat this process on the second side, checking the balance as you proceed.

Step 4: Next, take a diagonal section in the fringe area from above the temple, travelling back across the head. This will encompass the side area which you will use as a guide for the fringe. Cut this initial section with a slight curve.

Step 5: Continue with the diagonal section up to the crown, using the previous and side section as a guide. Note that everything is pulled down onto the outline guide.

Step 6: Repeat this process on the other side.

Step 7: Because the front sections cross over, create a corner in the front. Then check and refine.

Step 8: Then check the outline perimeter in the front, technically and visually.

Step 9: Next, return to the initial side section and create a vertical section into the nape. Continue the outline from the side to the nape, choosing an acute angle to maintain length through the perimeter in the back. Use tension and cut on the surface of the skin. Then refine through the fingers.

Step 10: Continue with vertical sections until you reach the round of the head in the back.

Step 11: Repeat this process on the second side.

Step 12: Next, work with the outline in the back. First create a vertical section down the centre back and work horizontally and parallel to the outline. Again, work on the surface of the skin and use a guide from the side to determine the correct length.

Step 13: Continue with parallel sections up the head, working in the fingers and with tension which creates graduation.

Step 14: Once you've completed the outline, work the interior using the outline as a guide. Working with a vertical section over the ear up to the centre parting, pull the hair straight out from the head and cut a flat shape using the outline as a guide. Start with this area as the hair is thickest at this point. Note that the top of the section is over-directed, ensuring a corner is placed at the rounds of the head - a characteristic of barbering.

Step 15: Continue with parallel sections towards the front.

Step 16: Create a centre-parting in the back from crown to nape. Then work vertical sections from behind the ear to the centre-back. Use over-direction and the previous section as a guide, again creating a corner at the round of the head.

Step 17: Repeat this process on the other side. Note that Stacey cuts over his fingers to ensure a square line, typical to barbering.

Step 18: Next work with a vertical section in the back, using the outline as a guide and cutting a square line.

Step 19: Work parallel sections to the round of the head on both sides. Please note that despite the round of the head, Stacey is clear in maintaining a square line.

Step 20: Then move to the top area and work a horizontal line with elevation, using the side sections as a guide. Be careful to remove weight from the interior and not the outline, by starting from the front of the section and working back to the crown.

Step 21: Cross-check horizontally from the top down, checking the corners and refining the shape. Then use free hand techniques to refine the outline.

Finish: The result is a classic masculine mid-length basic layer, softly framing the contours of the face. It can be worn textured or straight.
Text and photos by MHD. Subscribe to view the training video!
See also:
How to cut a short men's haircut
Hairstyles for men
Male celebrity hairstyles