How to Color Your Hair (3)

How to Change Your Hair Color with Photoshop
Would you like to learn how to change your hair color in Photoshop? It's fun to experiment and try different hair colors on a photo of yourself or anybody else! In this illustrated, step-by-step tutorial,
we will show you how to do it. More...
How to Color Your Hair with Henna
Dyeing the hair with henna can be tricky. If not done right, the results can be uneven and blotchy. Henna produces a very permanent hair color, which is not easy to remove or dye over, so take your time,
do your research, and follow all of the preparatory steps. More...
How to Choose Natural-looking Highlights
Current trends have taken us to more natural spectra of highlighting. Many people are still confused about which highlighting choices are appropriate. Some still want to cling to extreme colors, while others
are simply unsure how to determine which colors will be compatible. More...
How to Deal with Damaged Bleached Hair
Bleaching your hair can create a beautiful result, but that lighter color can come at a price: hair damage. If you’ve found your strands are suffering after a bleaching session,
you’ll want to read these tips on how to repair damaged bleached hair. More...
How to Dye with Box Hair Color
How to color your own hair at home with box hair color. Do-it-yourself instructions for at-home hair dyeing. Study the diagram before you start with the sectioning. Note that the model’s head is divided into
four main sections. More...
How to Get Back to Your Natural Hair Color
In my line of work I meet lots of women who have been coloring their hair for a long time before they decide they want to go back to their natural color. The trouble is, these women usually have no
clue how to go about getting their natural color back. More...
How to Look Younger with the Right Hair Color
Just about everyone you see today colors their hair in one form or another, whether it's tinting, foiling, or even henna. Most of the time, it's because of the media's emphasis on youth.
Every woman strives to look younger. More...
How to Make Hair Color Last Longer
Hair color can dramatically change your look or be used to add subtle highlights and definition to your hairstyle. Unfortunately, all hair coloring fades with time, diminishing the vibrancy and
richness that your hair had immediately after coloring. More...
How to Match Hair Color and Makeup
We all learned how to match our eye-shadow to the color of our eyes to make them brighter and bigger. Considering the color of your hair when picking your makeup colors is just as important. Then of course
there is the skin tone. More...
How to Use the Hair Color Wheel
When we look at hair color, the values of the traditional color wheel are too limited to explain the scope of available colors. To more accurately represent color, we need to add the dimension of light level
as part of the color wheel. More...
Hair Colors and our Color Palette
We've discussed the basics of color and how to choose a color compatible with your hair's base color, and we've talked about the different types of hair color products available. Now, let's talk
about choosing the right hair color for you and give you some hair color ideas. More...
Melanin and Hair Color
When you understand what melanin is and how it works, you can better understand how hair colors are created by nature. It also helps in understanding how a change in the balance between different
forms of melanin can result in a change of natural hair color over time. More...
Basic Hair Coloring Information
By carefully evaluating the color of your hair before coloring, you and your colorist can achieve astonishing results in creating a natural look or even a dazzling new one for you. Most importantly,
it can prevent you from making an unfortunate mistake in the coloring process More...
Psychology of Hair Colors
We've all heard about hair color stereotypes. Deep down, we feel that hair color should not make any difference in how someone is perceived or treated. However, the perception of hair color and connected attributes
is perhaps as old as civilization. More...
Redhead Extinction
In August 2007, news outlets all over the world released a story that was shocking in its implications: Redheads are dying out and could become extinct by the year 2060. According to the Oxford Hair Foundation, this
claim is attributed to factors of genetics and migration. More...
Teenagers and Gray Hair
Because of the distant associations between gray hair and teenagers, for a minority of youths who are unlucky enough to be plagued by a premature onset of gray hair, life can be
sometimes excruciating. Factors that contribute to a teenager’s hair turning gray are illness or genetics. More...
Temporary Hair Color
They have been around for a while, but they keep getting better. If you want to add some color to your hair, whether it's a single strand for a special effect or larger areas, but don't
want to commit to a permanent change, there are many great options available. More...
The Disadvantages of Bleaching Your Hair
The prospect of having icy blond hair is both intriguing and daring to many women looking for a change. While it may look killer and very desirable, there is so much that can happen when you opt to
bleach your hair, leaving you wondering if it's even worth it. More...
The History of Hair Color
Throughout the centuries, the color of hair has been deemed important in varying eras, and the meanings attached to the colors have changed as time moved forward. In some eras, red hair was socially significant,
while in others, blondes were more important. More...