Box Layering Technique

How to cut box layers
Q: My hair is about 3 inches past my shoulders with a few almost grown-out layers left. I had a long layered cut that I loved. The main back layer was blunt, and the layers fell above it. My stylist moved, and I tried a new one with poor results. I just wanted my layers trimmed same as before but I ended up with a V-shape in the back and I hate it. My hair is not all that thick and the V-shape makes it look like strings.
It has been a while since my hair trauma and I need it cut again but I don't know the proper terminology to convey my idea to the stylist. I have seen a couple of celebrities with what I am looking for (Danielle Fishel on "Boy Meets World" when she first cut her hair and Charisma Carpenter when she was on "Veronica Mars") but I don't have any photos to show the stylist. Their hair is slightly layered and long but the main back has a blunt look across the bottom, making it look thicker.
I think if I knew the proper terms to use the stylist would be able to achieve the same look on my hair. I am not even sure if what I am describing makes any sense! I feel like a 2-year old that points at something she wants and says," Uh!" A picture is worth a thousand words, but I can't find one that shows the back of the hair! Could you please help me describe this cut to my stylist so that I will end up with a few long layers but blunt look on the bottom? Thank you so much for considering my question and for any help.

A: Actually, you've done pretty well in describing what you are looking for. The technique you are referring to is called "box layering" where the hair is blunt cut to generate a weight line in a desired area and the hair above the weight line is cut into layers to add some texture to the look.
The specifics of the technique vary depending on the look you desire and your hair's type, and wave pattern. However, it is a very popular look and could work very well for many hair types and lengths.
You should be fine to go to your stylist and explain the desired look the same way you did with me. And being able to add the terms "box layers" should assist as long as your stylist is familiar with the term. The key is to explain what you want and allow the stylist to respond back to you about it until you feel certain that you are both on the same page.
Photo: Nomad Soul/Shutterstock
After that, make sure to ask the stylist to let you remain facing the mirror so that you can watch the haircut in progress and can ask her to stop if you feel she's headed in an undesired direction.
Treat her with respect, but always remember that this is your hair and you'll have to live with any consequences. This means you have the right to supervise as much as you want to.
See also:
How to cut square layers or box layers
What are box layers?
What is the difference between square layers and vertical layers?
What is the difference between a beveled cut and a layered cut?