Analyzing Your Hair

Many people have little clue about the terms used to describe hair, and truth be told, it can be confusing. Most people think of hair in terms of being thick or fine, and curly or straight.
One thing to remember is that analyzing the hair is a matter of comparison, and the best way to learn to recognize the difference in these elements is to view a sampling of hair from different sources and make the comparisons yourself.
The next time you're with a group of friends, take a close look at their hair. Make a note of the ways their hair differs from yours. Compare their hair to yours using these categories:
Wave Pattern
By using these elements, you can compare and judge for yourself if you have fine, thick, straight hair with good elasticity and low porosity, or maybe coarse, thin, curly hair with high porosity and low elasticity, or something in between.

See also: More About Hair Care