Malin Akerman's Neck-Length Hair

Malin Akerman - Medium length hairstyle for a youthful appearance
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Malin Akerman is usually seen wearing her hair in long blonde layers that cascade down her back. A haircut was in order, but this time her hair gathers a little around her neckline.
Her new medium-length look presents a more youthful appearance for Malin, as do the warmer tones of blonde that are woven around her loose coils. An irregular part divides her hair, allowing the straighter pieces of her bangs to frame her face or rest upon her forehead.
Tip: If you want to enhance the pink tones in your complexion, follow Malin's lead by adding warmth to your hair and wearing pink hues around your face. Malin is also sporting bronzer/blush, smoky eyeshadow, finely penciled brows, eyeliner, lashes, mascara, and a neutral flesh-colored lip tint.
Malin Akerman with neckline length hair
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More medium hairstyles