Malin Akerman Hairstyles

Malin Akerman was born in Stockholm, Sweden on May 12, 1978 and when she was only two years old, her family moved to Niagara-on-the-Lake in Ontario, Canada. She has been in such movies as 2007 The Heartbreak Kid, 2008 27 Dresses to name only a couple. That isn't all; Malin sings for the band Petalstones once known as Ozono.
  • Malin Akerman with blonde hair styled into waves
  • Loose laying curl for Malin Akerman
  • Long agled hair for Malin Akerman
  • Malin Akerman
  • Malin Akerman's short hair
  • Malin Akerman wearing a white satin blouse
  • Malin Akerman with her hair in a pixie
  • Malin Akerman with short hair
  • Malin Akerman's sleeked back hair

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The Nordic beauty cannot go wrong with her hair. She has had a range of long, short and medium long hairstyles and no matter what she does with her icy blonde hair; she is just a sight to see. Her hair has the color of liquid sunshine and a silky structure, it is rather fine and needs a little help to build up volume. Texture, layers and a light natural wave all aid in this.
Malin often parts her hair on the side and wears it open with a long fringe or none at all, a lot of curvy motion and many times a touch fashionably messy. Straight looks are equally stunning and some of her best include a tapered line on the sides around her face, heavy texture in the tips and some additional high and lowlights. Besides beach and boho looks she is evenly stunning in a glam styling that includes retro hair.
See also: Try celebrity hairstyles on a photo of yourself