Claudia Schiffer's Smooth Long Hair

Claudia Schiffer with long smooth hair
Photo by PR Photos
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Claudia Schiffer'shair looks as smooth as the beautiful silk white blouse she is wearing. Her hair is quickly blown dry to achieve a fluffy, taffy-like appearance.
A large round brush can produce this type of willowy look. Hold the brush under the hair while blowing it dry and gently bring the brush out to the ends section by section.
A smart contrast is the ruby red lip tint that uniquely stands out against her hair and blouse. The rest of her makeup is applied lightly, allowing the attention to focus on her lips.
Tip: Whatever bright color you wear is where you will be drawing attention to yourself. For example, if you are wearing a large flowery sarong with green leaves and bright red hibiscus flowers, complete with colorful parrots, this is the first thing people will notice. If you do not want your body or lips to be the focus, simply tone it down a bit.
Claudia Schiffer wearing a silk white blouse
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More long hairstyles