Claudia Schiffer's Hair

Claudia Schiffer - Straight long hair with a middle part
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German supermodel Claudia Schiffer launched her career at the young age of seventeen, and over the years, she has risen to become one of the most popular and wealthiest models in Europe.
Tall and statuesque, she elegantly flaunts her long blonde hair, parted in the middle and styled in sleek, long layers that cascade straight down to below her shoulders.
In a short-sleeved satin blouse neatly tucked into a high-waisted skirt, Claudia showcases a style choice that's both classic and intriguingly unique. The skirt's design, reminiscent of a bygone era, sparks curiosity about its potential resurgence in fashion trends. And if anyone can bring it back, it's Claudia.
Claudia Schiffer wearing a high waist skirt with a satin blouse
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Claudia Schiffer with smooth long hair
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Claudia Schiffer's long blonde hair
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Claudia Schiffer hairstyles