Bonnie Somerville's Hair

Bonnie Somerville - Hairstyle with a large swooping wave
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Bonnie Somerville has a short part with smooth, dippy layers arranged in a large swooping wave that is brought over to the side of her temple and eventually flicks out to join the rest of her hair. The other side has a more seamless structure until it connects with the curly coils at the ends.
The creativity of this hairstyle cannot be overrated when you see how the wave brings out Bonnie's eyes. For a more natural effect, several tones of blonde and brown in thin strips have been placed throughout her hair. Tip: Use a large wave to set off your eyes like Bonnie.
Bonnie is wearing heavy eyeliner, light and dark shadows, plenty of mascara, a few penciled sketches in the brows, light touches of bronze, and a pastel neutral lip tint. Although her eyeliners are quite heavy, you must admit her blue eyes are very exceptional!
Bonnie Somerville wearing white
Photo by PR Photos
She is wearing white, which isn't the best contrast for blondes; however, Bonnie is wearing a heavy black tri-chain necklace that is not only a great contrast for the white blazer but also complements her hair. Smart trick there, Bonnie!
See also: More Bonnie Somerville hairstyles