Shoulder Length Hair with Pouf

Bonnie Somerville with shoulder length hair
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Four years later, and Bonnie Somerville has her hair cut much shorter, as we find the ends just touch her shoulders.
Her hair still has the golden reds and browns but looks much lighter with some informal glitz and pouf. The top of her hair is still smooth; only this time, there is more perk on the top and along the sides.
Bonnie Somerville wearing her hair shorter
Photo by PR Photos
Maybe this is what she is smiling about. She just might be feeling good about herself. Her face is radiant with a tan, and her eyes have twin eyeliners in the upper and lower areas. She is wearing a grayish-blue eyeshadow with mascara, pink blush, and baby pink lip color.
Her gray and cream top has bits of light brown and even purple involved. The colors give credence to Bonnie's face and hair, presenting a wholesome neutrality to her overall appearance.
Bonnie Somerville - Medium hairstyle with waves
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Bonnie Somerville - Light hairstyle for medium long hair
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Bonnie Somerville hairstyles