Kelly Brook's Hair

Kelly Brook wearing her hair long and below her shoulders.
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The sparkle in Kelly's face matches her red hair and the glitter of her silver evening gown. What a match!
I've heard it once said that when a client wears warmer hair tones, they seem to be more warm-hearted and loving, whereas cooler colors seem to beget cooler hearts. I remember hearing this taught. You'll just have to be the judge.
Kelly Brook has beautiful hair that is alive with long, bubbly curls flowing below her shoulders in an effervescing stream of cascades. If you desire long, healthy hair like Kelly's, use plenty of moisturizing conditioners and shampoos and have regular hair trims every six weeks.
Warm, rich reds and golden blondes become a galaxy of enchantment when the hair is kept up like Kelly's. It just doesn't get much better than this!
Kelly Brook's hair with long bubbly curl
Photos by PR Photos
See also: More Kelly Brook hairstyles