Kelly Brook's 1940s Hair

Kelly Brook wearing her hair long with bouncing 1940s curls
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Looking more suited to the 1940s Hollywood scene than a television awards show, the British model/actress Kelly Brook looks absolutely stunning.
Her long brown hair is luminous with natural-looking highlights and deep, sumptuous lowlights. However, the most stunning quality is the healthy shine and reflective quality of the hair. This is evidenced by the light bouncing off the beautiful curls in a lush, flowing curtain.
The hairstyle is best created using large rollers in a wet set with a medium-hold product. Dried under a hood or left to dry naturally, the long cut with layered ends (the last 4-5 inches) is brushed out into this sweeping style that moves, flows, bounces, and literally sparkles.
It's a look to make men weak and other women jealous.
Kelly Brook's brown hair with highlights and lowlights
Photo by PR Photos
1940s look for long hair - Kelly Brook
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Kelly Brook hairstyles