Lara Spencer's Hair

Lara Spencer - Shoulder length hairstyle
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Lara Spencer is a familiar face in the world of communications, often seen hosting television shows like Antique Roadshow.
With her platinum blonde shoulder-length hair elegantly parted on the side and smoothed along the sides with a subtle upward fringe, Lara exudes sophistication. The color of her hair complements her light cranberry-colored dress beautifully.
For a formal occasion like this, I envision Lara wearing her hair up in an artistic updo. A dress of such elegance naturally calls for a hairstyle that exudes sophistication. After all, when you think of evening wear, you think of an evening hairstyle to match. It's all about complementing the refined allure of the attire.
Lara Spencer - Hairstyle to combine with evening wear
Photo by PR Photos
In contrast, informality often pairs with hair worn down. Formality calls for an updo, while informality leans towards letting the hair flow freely. The only exception to this rule is when the hair is thrown up into a ponytail and topped with a baseball cap, a hallmark of the casual look. But then, you've just stumbled upon the baseball cap cult once again.