Ponytails and Baseball Caps

Ponytail and baseball cap
Photo: Shutterstock
Could ponytails be called horsetails or donkey tails? I think we must get the picture of where the name must have come from. Have you ever seen the way a pony flicks its tail when it runs? They are quite striking and graceful as the animal moves into a gait and the tail swings straight up and the hair of the tail billows over and falls gracefully all the way down. Some tails practically touch the ground. Not even a woman’s ponytail could ever come close to the beauty they give.
Everywhere we look today, we are seeing women of all ages wearing a baseball cap with this thing we call a ponytail sticking out of the small opening in the back of the cap. Forget about the lovely contour of a head, as the cap is pressed down tightly and rests very close to her ears, everything looks quite flat. The usual accommodating outfit is a sweatshirt, shorts, water bottle, sunglasses, and running shoes, oh, let's not forget the cellphone. Have you ever seen someone jog with a cellphone? This must require a special talent and frankly, I don't know how they can do that.
Does this mean there is a women's ponytail baseball team out there somewhere and the requirement is to have a ponytail, baseball cap, and a cellphone? What am I missing? The ladies' ponytail baseball cap club gives everyone the idea that this girl is: very busy, sporty, not sexy, and means business in keeping her weight down and her life totally intact. Organization is her middle name. Scheduling is how she has managed to do so many things for so many people at once. Look out world, for she is the epitome of absolute sheer determination. She appears to be a super woman, and I cannot help but admire her stamina.
Hollywood probably started this fad, and now it's all I see on every corner, at every gym, running into stores, on the beach, and driving the kids to school. The ladies' ponytail baseball cap club has made their statement. With all that said, I have to say, unless you're a pony, horse, or donkey, this look isn't as attractive as you think.
We all have this concept of how we see ourselves. What we see isn't necessarily how others see us, though. For some of us, this can be a harsh, unpleasant realization. Ouch. Who of us wants to be told our ponytail looks more like a donkey, even though donkeys are quite beautiful in their own right.
Very long ponytail through the hole of a baseball hat
Photo: Alfi Nuryaman/Pexels
You can look cute, even in that coveted baseball cap of yours. Let me just give you a small forewarning though, if you wear that cap too much; your scalp won't breathe and you will get thinner hair without paying for it at the salon. That would be one bargain you hadn't planned on.
If you don't have enough hair to be pulled back neatly into that ponytail, why not try combs on each side of your hair? Why not try a new low-maintenance haircut and then, put that cap back on? I see bits of wiry hair that have been pulled back into a hair band, with hair sticking out and looking more like the comb of a rooster, not to mention the donkey.
Did you know they now have combs and clips with hair attached to them? You could brush your hair up toward the center and then clasp the comb around the small parts of your hair. Presto, you have more hair.
Sporty girl wearing her hair in a ponytail
Photo: Africa Images/Canva
Not only that, there was someone out there who recognized your baseball cap club for what it is and now you can purchase; baseball caps with hair coming out of the back. If you've gotten that fresh haircut and find yourself missing that "tail," order a cap with the same color as your hair or go with today's trend and purchase a lighter or darker one than your hair and you'll be just like the rest of the team. I think they even have party colors of pink, blue, or lavender.
Ponytails can look elegant too, but not under that baseball cap. Here’s a simple trick for you to try. Section your hair off into fours. One on top, each side from the top to the ear is clipped and you have the back left which is where you will begin. Brush your hair up and place it into a hair band made with a heavy cloth, never rubber bands. Now, make a slight hole just above your band with your fingers. Make another opening just below your ponytail.
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