Joan Rivers' Bob Haircut

Joan Rivers wearing her hair in a bob - Profile picture
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Popular 70-plus comedian Joan Rivers attended the QVC Red Carpet Style Party at the Four Seasons in Los Angeles on February 25, 2011.
The picture of her profile shows how her blonde hair is cut into a long bob with a slight undercut to allow her hair to curl under when blown dry or even by itself after it is washed, unless her hair is naturally bone straight.
We can also see her bangs worn heavily over her brow and a few darker blonde panels in her hair.
Joan's public appearance was enhanced by her sparkly sequined outfit and her large, colorful turquoise necklace.
Joan Rivers wearing her hair in a long bob
Photo by PR Photos
Modern hairstyle for 70 plus women - Joan Rivers
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Joan Rivers Hairstyles