Joan Rivers' Hair

Brooklyn-born Joan poses for the cameras at the Comedy Central Roast of Joan Rivers on July 26, 2009. Joan wears her hair styled in flips reminiscent of the 1980s hairstyles popularized by Farrah Fawcett. With all trends circling back around again, Joan knew it was only a matter of time before the feathered look would return. Besides, why change a good hairstyle when you feel you look good in it?
As we age, we need to carefully add more color to our face, hair, and clothes unless we have silvered gracefully and it harmonizes with our skin color. If Joan had light warm brown hair, her gold sequined top would be a real addition. Her chunky glass necklace is a real beauty and goes well with her collar, and as it turns out, the collar was the bridge for the gold and the glass to meet successfully.
Joan Rivers wears a good amount of cover makeup with a thick cake foundation, meticulously penciled eyebrows, dark ashen eyeshadow that circles around her eyes, and thick eyeliner. There is a lighter shadow on her lids, blush on her cheeks, and a whimsical shimmery coral lip tone.
Tip: Many professionals like Joan have learned the importance of placing colors next to the face, such as the coral lip color, black collar on the gold jacket, and that lush chunky glass necklace. Her diamond earrings go well with her collar. Joan knows how to accessorize.
See also: More Joan Rivers Hairstyles