A Guide to Anti Hair Loss Shampoos

However, if applied early, they will stimulate and encourage re-growth and delay the inevitable. Shampoos designed to tackle hair loss, or alopecia as it is often referred to, are made up of ingredients that are clinically proven to encourage healthy hair growth.
The unnatural loss of hair is not confined to males, and according to the American Academy of Dermatology, hair loss effects more than 30 million women in the United States. Shampoo manufacturers recognize that alopecia and hair loss is a gender-neutral problem, and consequently there are anti-hair loss shampoos designed for both sexes.
However, with a multitude of such products currently saturating the market, choosing an effective shampoo to combat hair loss can be more than a little bewildering. Although the good news is that hair loss shampoos are relatively inexpensive, it is advisable to experiment with different brands. To make the quest for a thicker head of hair more feasible, here is some advice on what to look out for and what to avoid when searching for an anti-hair loss shampoo.
Saw Palmetto
Natural and herbal ingredients are effective components for combating alopecia and an abnormal amount of hair loss. Hair loss shampoos containing Saw Palmetto, an extract of Serenoa repens rich in fatty acids and phytosterols, curb the production of the DHT hormone, which stymies the growth of hair follicles.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil has become a popular ingredient in many shampoos, as well as several hair loss remedies and anti-alopecia shampoos. As tea tree oil is antibacterial, it unclogs clogged hair follicles and stimulates healthy growth.
Soap Nuts Shampoo
Soap nuts have been an age-old solution to hair loss and have been used in India and Nepal as part of Ayurvedic medicine for centuries to promote healthy hair growth. Soap nut shampoo is available on the market, and as it has been proven to be effective in tackling hair loss, it is a popular anti-hair loss shampoo.
Containing real grape seed extracts, the Chinese herb ginkgo biloba, and a host of vitamins, Phytocychane has been cited as one of the best natural organic anti-hair loss shampoos available. These powerful natural ingredients penetrate deeply into the hair follicles and encourage healthy growth.
Avoid Surfactants
Surfactants are the ingredients in shampoos that create lather when mixed with water. Contrary to popular belief, surfactants have no cleaning properties whatsoever. Due to the harsh and aggressive properties of surfactants, they have a negative impact on the condition of hair. For those experiencing an abnormally high amount of hair loss, shampoos containing a high concentration of surfactants should be avoided.
See also:
Hair loss treatment
Dealing with hair loss