Hair Problems

Women with hair problems
Photo: Shutterstock

Woman with alopecia Alopecia
Androgenic alopecia is the most common form of alopecia and is the result of genetics, aging, and hormonal changes that combine to cause changes in the hair follicle. These changes result in the miniaturization of the terminal hair into vellus hair. More...

Dandruff Dandruff
Dandruff is probably one of the most common complaints people have with their hair and scalp. They have itching and flaking that shows up on any dark clothing. But what most people believe to be dandruff is actually just a matter of dry skin on the scalp. More...

Girl who is afraid of getting her hair cut Haircut Phobias
For some, a trip to the hair salon is an event that can provoke profound anxiety and fear, so much so that some individuals avoid haircuts altogether. The fear of haircuts can have a serious impact on confidence, self-esteem, and appearance. More...

Woman with a hair disease Hair Diseases
Diseases of the hair, far from being a popular topic of conversation, are somewhat neglected, compared to the excessive amount of research and literature dedicated to many other equally undesirable conditions, leaving sufferers uninformed and bemused. More...

Woman who suffers from hair loss Hair Loss
There are many types of hair loss with different symptoms, causes and solutions. It's normal to lose 50 to 100 hairs every day, as new hair grows and replaces the old hair. However some people - men and women - experience excessive hair loss. More...

Woman pulling her own hair Hair Growth Q&A
Questions and answers about hair growth. Read the questions submitted by other visitors and ask your own questions. All questions are answered by a licensed cosmetologist. How fast does hair grow? What is hair made of and how does it grow? When do babies start growing hair? ... More...

A doctor examining hair Hair Restoration
Hair restoration has two basic forms - medical restoration and surgical restoration. In this instance, the term medical refers to the use of medications to restore lost hair and prevent further hair loss. The most common medications in use today are minoxidil and finasteride. More...

Head lice Head Lice
When kids are back at school, germs, as well as lice, are making the rounds. Many unsuspecting little heads are itching, and moms around the world are picking those little silver eggs called nits, laid by adult lice off from strand after strand of baby fine hair. More...

Flea Human Hair Fleas
Fleas in human hair: is that possible or can humans only get lice? How do you get rid of fleas in your hair? Yes, humans can get fleas, and there is even a flea that prefers humans to feed from. But before I get off on a tangent, let’s start with the basics. More...

Hair and medication Medications and Your Hair
While medicines are often life-saving advances in the areas they treat, they can sometimes have side effects that affect our hair. Let’s take a look at some common complaints and the medications that are known to cause them. More...

Oily hair Oily Hair
From all of the issues that we can have with our hair, the most challenging perhaps is overproduction of the natural hair oils, which can turn the hair into stringy, fatty, limp strands. The culprit sits right under your scalp at each hair follicle. More...

Woman with a scalp problem Scalp Problems
A lot of times when we think about our hair we tend to overlook one of the most important parts: our scalp. If you've got a healthy scalp, it's really easy to forget, but for those of us with common scalp issues, it's an on-going concern. More...

Woman with valuable hair The Value of Hair
The beauty and power of Hair is often mentioned in literature, featured in fine art and also found in many passages of sacred scriptures of all religions. Can we put a value on hair? And if so, what would it be? The answer to these questions will surely depend on who you ask. More...

Thinning hair Thinning and Fine Hair Q&A
Questions and answers about thin hair, thinning hair and fine hair. Read the questions that were already submitted by other people and ask your own questions. All questions are answered by a licensed cosmetologist. More...

Trichotillomania Trichotillomania
Trichotillomania can be a life changing, and sometimes life ending disorder. It needs to be treated by a professional trained in the diagnosis and treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorders. It is not something that can be changed with will power. More...

Trich sufferer Hope for Trich Sufferers
Many obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and anxiety related symptoms can have a negative effect on one’s everyday life and restrict social activities. When a person has to “wear” their disorder in their physical appearance, it can make working and socializing unbearable. More...

Hair removal with waxing Unwanted Hair
Unwanted hair, abnormal hair growth and hair removal. While shaving and waxing are popular choices, there are many other ways to get rid of unwanted hair. It may take several treatments to reduce or completely remove the excess hair. More...

Hair salon owner Cosmetic Treatment Health Care Warnings
When you encounter a situation in a hair salon and you feel the least bit unsure as to whether something is sterile or not, you have a responsibility to yourself to call a halt before you risk an infection. Bacteria and parasitic infections such as lice can be transmitted from client to client. More...