UniPerm - 1974 Ad

Maureen Moore never dreamed a new perming system in her shop could pay for two weeks in Acapulco.
UniPerm changed her mind."
In fact, UniPerm is just about changing her life.
UniPerm is helping her make more money than she thought possible. Because with UniPerm, she can charge more for a perm. And she can get new perm customers.
Your regular perm patrons will happily pay a little extra for UniPerm — once they see how nice it leaves their hair and how easy a UniPerm is to get.
And your patrons who would never get a perm before will simply flock to UniPerm — once you tell them about the foolproof results they'll be getting time after time.
But money's not the only reason you'll be happy with UniPerm.
You'll have new confidence in every perm you give, and every perm your staff gives.
By following the foolproof directions, you'll all get perfect results time after time. Automatically.
So you can sell more perms, with more confidence.
With UniPerm, your most serious perm problem could be deciding where you'll go fot two weeks next year.
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