L'Oréal Majimode - 1986

Majimode - On step color accents
A fashion first for brunettes.
Now you can give brunettes vibrant color accents in one easy step. No pre-Lightening. No double-processing.
Majimode's patented cream formula lifts up to 4 levels on natural hair, while depositing intense color highlights and superb conditioning. In one single process.
Let your imagination run wild to create an endless range of fashion effects. Vary your choice of shades and techniques. From subtle strands of glowing color to bold streaks or tips of dramatic shadings.
Majimode puts incredible creations at your fingertips.
Five fabulous fashion shades:
Modern Plum
Classic Titian
Futuristic Copper
New Wave Red
Deco Red
Keralogie® L'Oreal Laboratories
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