Roux Fanci-Full - 1974 Ad

How often do you recommend Fanci_Full
Nelle Lorick recommends it just about always!
NELLE LORICK is one of beauty culture's most remarkable women, a "hair colorists' colorist" and a "teachers' teacher." In addition to conducting color clinics for the LA MARICK chain of beauty salons, and for teachers of beauty culture, she is Director and President of her own school in Charlotte, N. C. She says, "We teach the concept of service, of giving each patron the utmost in value for her beauty dollar. That is why we almost always recommend Fanci-full. It is a superb temporary color, but in addition it adds sheen to the hair and gives it a better feel, so we can recommend it even where there is no gray to cover."
32 LUCKY COPPER illustrates her point. It can be used on natural hair with little or no gray, to add coppery highlights; on fading tinted hair, to freshen the color; on dark blonde or light brown hair, to add reddish tone; on brassy hair, to elitninate the brass. And to all hair it gives better condition, a healthier look and feel.
Fanci-full is a premium service for just about all your patrons because it's coloring and conditioner and waveset—all in one. Try it. And if you find some new use for it, please tell us: we'll pass it on to your colleagues.
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