CURL-N-LITE - 1976 Ad

Introducing CURL-N-LITE™ A revolutionary concept in drying and styling curly hair.
Curl. Whether natural or permed, it's the lively foundation for today's most exciting popular styles.
But you know that keeping this curl at its beautiful best can be a time-consuming, challenging, and sometimes disappointing task.
1. How much time do you spend replacing curls and waves that your hand-held dryer blew out?
2. How often do you need a faster way to dry freshly permed or naturally curly hair without frizzing or loosening the curl?
3. How much time do your curly-haired clients spend isolated under heat lamps that may not completely dry the underneath layers of hair? Or under hood dryers that may be plagued with "cold spots" or hot spots"?
4. And how often does the natural or permed curl you were so careful with droop or frizz between salon visits?
Now you've got a unique alternative. A chance to eliminate these problems from your salon with the only instrument that dries desired curl INTO the hair ... INTO a long-lasting finished style . in half the usual time. Now you've got CURL-N-LITE™.
"The best of both drying worlds"
Quite simply, we took the curl-saving process of heat lamp drying and combined it with the speed and convenience of a blow dryer. So you save time, labor ... and beautiful curl.
The heat source of the new CURL-N-LITE™ is a lightweight, easily replaceable infra-red bulb.
A compact, quiet-running motor, constructed for top durability, generates a gentle flow of air to swirl this drying power around and through the hair.
CURL-N-LITE™ runs dependably on only 280 economical watts of power. Quite a savings for your salon when compared to popular 1000 to 1500 watt blow dryers.
The CURL-N-LITE™ casing is molded from an exceptional heat and breakage resistant plastic, Lexan-140. Virtually indestructible.
Of course, CURL-N-LITE™ comes to you with a guarantee. All parts (with the exception of the infra-red bulb) are guaranteed for one year.
15 to 20 minutes. That's all the time you need to transform a wet head of hair into a natural-looking finished style with exceptional fullness, shine and endurance.
But that's only the beginning.
CURL-N-LITE™ is your unique advantage in a variety of professional creative services. Limited only by your imagination.
1. Natural cutting? When very little curl is visible, CURL-N-LITE™ will help you find the natural hair movement, allowing you to cut and shape accordingly.
2. Longer lasting, more beautiful perms. Use CURL-N-LITE™ to heat resistant areas during permanent waving, and in designing the finished style to retain maximum curl and control.
3. You'll discover how to achieve today's popular straight/curly contrasting looks more efficiently and predictably by teaming CURL-N-LITE™ with your blow dryer. Use CURL-N-LITE™ first, and the blow dryer won't straighten the curly sections of your style.
4. Faster coloring and conditioning. It's the easiest way to speed up processing times and to spot heat individual areas.
There's more, but we want you to personally see and experience what CURL-N-LITE™ can do for you, your salon, your clients ... your profits. Why not contact one of the dealers listed on the back of this page for a CURL-N-LITE™ demonstration at your convenience?
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