Clairol SunFlicks - 1978 Ad

Now you can do dimensional hair coloring in 5 to 10 minutes and add a new almension to your profits.
There's never been anything so easy,natural, quick, fail-proof and high-profit in your salon. SunFlicks is Clairol's new hair-lightening gel that can be comparedonly to natural sunlight. In minutes, blondes, redheads and brunettes look as natural as after a day at the beach. Any cut looks better with SunFlicks highlights running through It.
Order the SunFlicks High Profit Kit today. It's the future of professional haircoloring. And it's yours now from Clairol.
1. Finger Painting. Touch on the stay-put gel. Run your fingers down the strands. Watch the highlights shine in minutes.
2. Brushing. A few quick strokes and the dullest hair comes alive with sunshine.
3. Combing. Use a rake comb. Dimensional highlights run through the hair minutes later. If you can style, you can do SunFlicks without fail.
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