The Twist Hairstyle

I’m talking of course about the Twist hairstyle; that staple of the styling arsenal that is employed both when you want to make a classy statement and when you just don’t have time to do anything else with your hair.
Traditional: This twist – also called a French Twist – involves winding the main portion of the hair from around its mid-point, inward to the scalp, using the end lengths as “cushion” to fill out the twist.
Non-Vertical: This is a basic twist, but winds the hair in some direction other than left or right to create the style. This is usually used as a base for a more complex hairstyle.
Partial: The partial twist is most often used as a base or complement to a more complex hairstyle and generally involves around half of the head being used in the twist's creation. Pulling the hair from the sides, nape, and rear half of the crown into a twist and arranging the top and forward half of the crown into pin curls is a traditional up-do of 1950s Hollywood.

Seen here, Hollywood actresses Kate Beckinsale and Kelly Rutherford sport twist hairstyles, yet their looks are very different. Kate’s twist is a loosely wound partial twist, with the top and forward portion of the crown section left loose to drape along the sides of the head. This creates a tousled and ravished look that is flattering and sexy.
Kelly, on the other hand, is presenting herself in a more conservative manner – her no-nonsense twist hugging close and tightly wound. It is a great look for a woman who wants to give a professional impression and focus on her face.