Let It Grow!

We’ve all heard the theory that a woman past a certain age should never wear long hair, but should rather have a more age-appropriate hairstyle. Of course, what is considered "age appropriate"? The truth is that in today's world, age is little more than a number and should have no bearing on a person's sense of style. Just look at these mature women with long hair:
Elizabeth Hurley (41) – At 41, Ms. Hurley (Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery, Bedazzled) is entering the category of "mature women," but that hasn't slowed her down. She is still sought after as an actress and model, and her long hair shows she's still vibrant and downright attractive.

No one can look at these women and say that they should not wear their hair long. In fact, these women could wear almost any hairstyle they choose. Their age doesn't matter; their hair is healthy, the color is vibrant, and the styles are flattering. What more does anyone want from their hair?
Why the Change?
So, you may be asking, "Why the change? What makes the rules different now?" The answer is simple. Half a century ago, a woman in her 50s or 60s looked very different than women of similar age do today. They didn't have the medical and cosmetic techniques we now have that help to preserve health and youthful vitality.
These days, we know that things like UV radiation and cigarette smoke can prematurely age the skin and can lead to looking older than one's years, so most women take steps to avoid or counter these factors. We also have cosmetic treatments like laser rejuvenation and Botox therapies to stop the development of fine lines and wrinkles and help to preserve the youthful look of skin.
Because women today look younger for their age, the rules have changed. You don't need to do different things with your hair to draw attention away from other unflattering features, such as frown lines and furrowed brows. Older women can wear their hair long, and the only factor to consider is whether or not the style flatters them.
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