Hair Tips for Looking Younger

They want me to recommend a new product, color formula, or styling trick that will suddenly make them look 10 to 20 years younger. The fact is that if I could do that, I would be sitting in a mansion in some fabulous place with staff to cater to my every whim, while I dispensed my magical droplets of wisdom upon those willing to lavish me with the money necessary to maintain that lifestyle.
I have a cousin who was complaining about the way the skin above her breasts seemed kind of weathered and was looking wrinkled and leathery. She asked me what was causing it to look that way. I had to remind her of the fact that when she was in high school, she and her best friend would spend their summers lying in the backyard sunbathing and slathering their bodies with – of all things – cooking oil. I explained how sun damage is cumulative and what she did was basically turning her skin into leather. (The craftsman who cures and preserves animal skins is called a "tanner.")
Of course, there is nothing about styling the hair that will help with this situation, but you can easily help yourself look younger (or at least avoid making yourself look older) by following these simple tips for dealing with your hair:
#1 – Look at Yourself While Standing on Your Head
I know, I know. The idea that someone wanting to look younger is going to have the wherewithal to stand on her head may seem completely outlandish. But the fact is, that we often become so accustomed to the way we look that we stop seeing ourselves realistically. Also, given that aging is a cumulative process, it is so gradual that we don't consciously notice the changes.
However, we can break the spell that prevents us from seeing the needs we have due to the changes of aging, and all it takes is a couple of things most people have in today's technological world. First you need a digital camera with which you will take a few photos of yourself.
These pictures should show your head from the shoulders up to an inch or two above the top of the head. You should also use a high resolution so that you can zoom in as needed on different areas of the face. You can have a friend take the pictures for you, or you can do it yourself in your bathroom mirror or take a selfie if you prefer.

Be critical and look at things like the jawline; (Has it begun to sag? Are you becoming jowly?) And around the mouth and eyes (How deep are the lines and wrinkles in the corners and creases of your face?) Look at the proportions of the facial features and at things like the hairline and even the current color of your hair.
By inverting the image of your face, you disrupt the brain's facial recognition pattern and cause the brain to process the input differently, allowing you to see yourself in a way you might not have been able to otherwise. Make notes of things that you feel are “aging issues” so that you can discuss things with your stylist later.
And when you turn the picture right side up, you'll find you can see the real you even better. This may lead to you changing your hairstyle because of the aging effects you can now identify.
#2 – Blend; Don’t “Cover”
Probably the most common mistake that women make with their hair that does them no favors when it comes to the aging process is in regard to dealing with gray hair. They feel that they have to cover up the gray and make it look like it did when they were younger. The trouble is, that when you dye the hair to the darkest common shade, you flatten out the hair color completely. This doesn't look natural. In fact, a flat, monotone hair color can make a woman look older than she actually is.
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